Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Stretch Run

It's been a crazy three days. I've been going door-to-door campaigning today and yesterday, and I've actually not felt all that well lately. I also may or may not have written an April Fools article for the Maroon-News saying that the Jug was renovating for two years, which some people actually believed for a while, but that's neither here nor there.

Anyways, I'm hoping for the best come Tuesday, but even if we don't win, Javi and I are still going to work hard to get things done here. It looks like the first-year mentoring program idea has the potential to get off the ground; I'm going to e-mail Dean Low next week to see if she is interested in helping out.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Good Question


My friend Jaime, Colgate men's hockey manager extraordinaire, posed a good question to me today. He wondered if I would still pursue all of these platform ideas if Javi and I didn't get the SGA nod. Short answer: yes. Well, I don't think we could get our Cruiser and green stuff done, among other things, but most of our platform is possible simply by taking the initiative with numerous administrators and student groups. Yes, having the backing of SGA would be great to get these things done, but really, all it takes is one to get something done.

Case in point: During my freshman year, Yankee games were not televised on campus. Being the big Yankee fan that I was (A-Rod has almost single-handedly destroyed my liking for that team), I went down to President Chopp's office during drop-in hour. This got the ball rolling towards a series of events, eventually leading to us getting Yankee games televised on campus in the summer of 2008, when the Time Warner cable contract was renewed.

So yea, Jaime... Javi and I will try our best to get some of our campaign promises done, whether we get the SGA gigs are not.

